Who is Queen Mysterious? ... AND ...How did Mysterious Magick LLC come to be?
Born on January 28, 1979 at 3:02 pm...
I am an AQUARIAN, born under the darkness of the new moon.
I grew up in Hollister, a small town in Halifax County North Carolina, know for its Native American heritage and culture. I was raised by my maternal grandparents. I was a good student and well behaved in school. But there was a distinct difference between me and the majority of my school mates. It became evident in middle school and then even more so in high school. I was the "different" student. I never liked to "fit in" with the crowd. I always stood out. I had a very unique style and never cared what other thought about me and my style. I just did what I felt was right for me.
In middle stchool I was nick named Punky Brewster, after the character Soleil Moon Frye played in the sitcom that ran from 1984-1988. I had no problem being called that. I liked it. It actually did suit me well considering my style of dress. I wore mix-matched socks and even shoes on a regular. My clothes were always different from most school mates because I enjoyed wearing the rare finds in thrift stores when I went out with my mom. I would get the cheap Ked-looking sneakers so I could decorate and design them how I wanted to. I would mix-match the shoe laces. ANYTHING to not "fit-in".
In high school, this style continued. And more flair was added. Some called me "The Weird Girl." Just like the name "PUNKY", this didn't bother me. I knew I didn't "fit-in" and I was proud of it. I wore my unique finds and "jazzed up" clothes all of the time. I was also called Skittles and Rainbow Bright because of all of the colors I wore. I liked all colors of the rainbow and the ones inbetween the obvious ones. I would dye my hair different colors. Not a single other student in school with me was doing anything like this. I definitely stood out. And by the end of my senior year, I was named the "most unique" female, whe it was time to vote for senior superlatives.
I attended North Carolina A&T State University from 1997-2002. I majored in Industrial Engineering. And even through these years, I maintained my unique style. Cafeteria employees even made a little game amongst themselves to try and guess what color hair I would have when I came into the cafeteria. I thought his was pretty cool.
Fast forward ... to the most recent years of my life where I discovered and began to embrace more of my differences and gifts. I knew throughout growing up, that there was something else a little different about me that I , at the time, was really too young to grasp. In high school, one of my favorite movies was "The Craft." I don't know how many times I have now seen that movie. It intrigued me. And over the years, Halloween was my favorite holiday. I will also add that it still is my favorite time of year. Anyway, the thing I actually wanted to get to was the fact that I used to have dreams that would come true in some aspect in waking life. I did not understand it. It was kind of scary in a sence. I was "seeing" things happen before they actually happened. Not all of the time, but often enough. Unfortunately, some where along the way I somehow surpressed this gift. I am sure it was due to the fact that I didn't really understand it. Later on in life, it began to peep in and out. It seemed as if it was always major events that was going to happen to someone in my close circle. I would never say anything about it, but when someone came to me with news, I was immediately able to relate it back to the dream I had within a few days prior to when the event happened in waking life. Eventually I realized that I was actually having preminissions. COOL!!!!
Within the last few years I have become more and more open and more embracing of the gifts I have. Now that I know they are gifts, it is amazing! I had help from a boss I had at work in this process. He was very understanding of how my mind worked and gave me insight on a lot of things. The first book he suggested I read was The Celestine Prophesy, by James Redfield. I actually listened to it on Audible in my car on my way to and from work and anywhere else I was driving to and from alone. The book was great! Other books I listened to, that he suggested, were The Twelfth Insight, by James Redfield, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. These were all very good reads, or I should say listenings, since I listened to them on Audible. They helped me a lot. I was in awe and so excited and hype after I listened to them.
My interest in crystals and tarot emerged during this time as well. I got am Apache Tear when my maternal grandmother died. It was to help with grief. After all she was like my mom more so than my grandmother. After this crystal I got myself, my brother gifted me a smoky quarts and a tiger eye that Christmas. He said that the smokey quartz was actually a piece of a larger crystal that he had gotten himself. He had someone chip it off and wrap it in copper and put it on a chain. The reason behind it was that he said he and I had the same life path number and the smokey quartz was related to that number. Our life path number is 1. he said the reason he gave me the tiger eye was because tigers are my favorite animal. This sparked my interest to dive into learning about crystals and their properties and benefits. Since then, I have been a bit obsessed with learning about them. Now, with the knowledge I have , though I am continuously learning more and more, I had people call me and ask my insight about what crystals they need for certain things. I am not, nor do I claim to be, a doctor who can give medical advice, but I believe whole hartedly that crystals can and do help in all aspects of ones life.
Soon after I started learning about crystals, I wanted to learn about Tarot card reading. I bought my first deck while out with my coworker at the time, Cameron. She bought a deck also. The deck I was drawn to, was The Crystal Power Tarot by Jayne Wallace. I am sure I was drawn to that particular deck because of its relation to crystals. I purchased that deck and that began my Tarot journey. I now have several Tarot decks, Oracle decks, and most recently Lenormand decks. And just as with the crystals, I have had many come to me for readings. (I plan on eventually offering crystal healing and Card readings to clients as Mysterious Magick LLC grows. So be on the look out.)
Over these years, I found a few crystal shops that I really enjoy going to. The more I went, the more I wanted to go. But I had to feel a calling to go. And when that call came, I would hop in my car and go. I had to drive over an hour to my favorite shop. I found one a little closer, but it still didn't have the vibe of my favorite place. Plus,my favorite one also offered a stamp card. So when I purchased items, I earned stamps on the card I could later use for items or discounts. this was awesome. As I traveled and made trips to these shops, I thought to myself "I should open a shop. I can sell crystals. I can sell tarot cards. I can sell this stuff."... So after many days saying "I will do it" , I finally invested and actually did it. So on May 4, 2022 Mysterious Magick LLC was officially formed. And I am elated and so excited to see MY business grow and prosper and become the next BIG thing.
I am very grateful and thankful for ALL who have been of support of me in this journey. The Universe is awesome! I am so glad to be in the mind, body, and soul place that I am currently in. THANK YOU ALL, GREAT KINGS AND QUEENS.